(Distrowatch’s popularity figures reflect the popularity of Distrowatch’s pages on each distribution, not the usage of each distribution). But it’s impossible to get reliable data. I suspect the most popular distribution on the desktop is Ubuntu, followed perhaps by Fedora (ignoring macOS and ChromeOS) on servers, RHEL, CentOS and other RHEL derivatives, Debian, Ubuntu, and proprietary distributions used by server hosts, in some order. If you want to include releases which are still in wide use, then you’re down to since CentOS and RHEL have a large installed base (but again, see EPEL), or 3.5.1 if you want to ignore that but still include popular releases of Debian and Ubuntu. In software development, CMake is cross-platform free and open-source software for build automation, testing, packaging and installation of software by. The CentOS situation should be temporary anyway, since CentOS 8 is forthcoming, and can be worked around by using EPEL. If you stick to the latest version of all distributions above, then 3.5.2 covers everything apart from CentOS, and 3.10.2 covers everything apart from CentOS and Slackware. I don’t know what’s needed to cover 90% of the installed base. The versions above are the latest version available in each release of the given distribution, not necessarily the default version - I expect most users to be comfortable enough keeping their distribution up to date within a given release. EPEL carries a cmake3 package providing version 3.13.5 for CentOS and RHEL 7, and version 3.6.1 for CentOS and RHEL 6. This file is used by CMake to determine whether the version of the package satisfies any version constraint included in the call to find.
A separate optional file namedIf ONLYCMAKEFINDROOTPATH is used then only the re-rooted directories will be searched. If NOCMAKEFINDROOTPATH is used then CMAKEFINDROOTPATH will not be used. By using CMAKEFINDROOTPATHBOTH the search order will be as described above. In addition to the above, RHEL 8 has 3.11.4 previous versions of RHEL carry the same version as CentOS (as you’d expect). This file is the entry point to the package for CMake. This behavior can be manually overridden on a per-call basis.
• Ubuntu: 3.13.4 (Ubuntu 19.04), 3.10.2 (Ubuntu 18.04), 3.5.1 (Ubuntu 16.04), 2.8.12/3.5.1 (Ubuntu 14.04 3.5.1 is available as the cmake3 package) Choose the Show All Files button at the top of Solution Explorer to see all the CMake-generated output in the out/build/

openSUSE Leap: 3.10.2 (this is the release-based distribution version of openSUSE).To build Ceres for iOS, we need to force CMake to find the toolchains from the iOS SDK instead of. OpenMandriva: 3.14.5 (OpenMandriva 4.0), 3.11.4 (OpenMandriva 3.0) You need iOS version 7.0 or higher to build Ceres Solver.you can verify its installation and check the correctness of the installed version. Mageia: 3.14.3 (Mageia 7), 3.10.2 (Mageia 6) Prepare the latest version of CMake which is available on.Found CUDAToolkit: C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v11.6/include (found version "11.6. tells me that the available versions of CMake in the Linux distributions it knows about are as follows: run the command mentioned below to check the version of installed CMake. Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/6/bin/Host圆4/圆4/cl.exe - skipped The article is explaining the installation procedures of CMake on Ubuntu. I needed cmake 2.8 on CentOS 6.5, but my attempts at using yum would also always keep cmake at 2.6 even though I tried adding repos that seemingly contained the correct version. The version of this package is as follows: cmake 28- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/6/bin/Host圆4/圆4/cl.exe - skipped According to this list the EPEL repo has the latest version pre-built. The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 9.0 Verify that CMake is installed by running cmake -version (I get 3.16.3). The C compiler identification is MSVC 9.0 For reference, a default Linux-GCC-Debug configuration works as expected. Selecting Windows SDK version 1.0 to target Windows 0. PS D:\work\modern_cmake_work\ModernCMake\codes\cmake\cuda\info\03\build> cmake.